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Piper Middle School

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Mandatory NJHS Meeting Dates:

All meetings will be held every other Tuesday at 6:45am.

To subscribe to the NJHS calendar, click on the RSS feed below. This will populate all upcoming dates onto your device's calendar (example, IOS calendar).

NJHS at Piper Middle School

The National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) recognizes exceptional middle-level students who excel in scholarship, leadership, service, character, and citizenship. Established in 1929, NJHS is a prestigious organization, not just a club or honor roll.

Piper's NJHS members serve as ambassadors for our school, engaging in meaningful community service and leadership roles. They also gain access to opportunities that support their academic and community goals.

Currently, over 70 students are part of NJHS. For more information, please contact the organization's advisors.

Candidates must have a cumulative GPA of 3.8, complete an NJHS application and adhere to the five pillars of NJHS membership.

Five Pillars of NJHS Membership:

  • Scholarship
    Students who have a cumulative grade point average of 3.8 (on a 4.0 scale) meet the scholarship requirement for membership.  These students are then eligible for consideration on the basis of service, leadership, character, and citizenship.

  • Service
    Students must complete 10 hours of service that is not in duty to another organization. This can be done through the numerous projects that our students help to create and lead throughout the school year, projects we are invited to participate in, or projects that they seek out on their own.

  • Leadership
    Student leaders are those who are resourceful, good problem solvers, and idea contributors. Leadership experiences can be drawn from school or community activities while working with or for others. Chapters can require evidence of leadership from within school or the community or both. Each chapter sets its own requirements for this criterion.

  • Character
    The student of good character is cooperative; demonstrates high standards of honesty and reliability; shows courtesy, concern, and respect for others. A chapter’s faculty council may review or consider disciplinary records when evaluating this criterion.

  • Citizenship
    In general, the student who demonstrates citizenship understands the importance of civic engagement; has a high regard for freedom and justice; and respects democracy.